Achieve Weight Loss and Improved Diabetes Control by Relearning How to Eat


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Inês Parro Sousa, Enfermeira Especialista em Diabetes
Inês Parro Sousa, Enfermeira Especialista em Diabetes
Inês Parro Sousa, Enfermeira Especialista em Diabetes

Hi, I'm Nurse Inês

Did you know that almost 10% of the global population has diabetes and 13% is obese? These are often referred to as the silent-killing diseases of the 21st century. 

I specialize in helping people improve their pre-diabetes and diabetes management (type I, II, gestational, and LADA) as well as those who want to lose weight. My approach involves creating personalized, sustainable food plans that aim to establish lasting habits and preventing abandonment after a short period of time. 

In addition, I offer mentoring and training to healthcare professionals to provide guidance on complex clinical cases.


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Icone Daybetes controlo de Diabetes


For people with Diabetes (I, II, gestational, and LADA) to improve disease control.

Icone Daybetes para profissionais


Expert consultation for clinical case discussion, procedure planning, and care strategy development


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